What is the Wisconsin Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP)?

The Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP) is a program created to help people with disabilities buy specialized equipment they need in order to use basic telephone services. The TEPP is one of several different programs paid for by the Wisconsin Universal Service Fund (USF) established by the Public Service Commission. Money collected from Wisconsin telephone service providers goes into the USF.

As a WI resident, you simply complete an application. The WI Public Service Commission processes the application and sends a Voucher redeemable for products. The value of the voucher depends on the category of need chosen by the applicant.  Vouchers valued at $800 and up require a $100 co-pay from the applicant.

ABHF as a 501C3 charitable organization has developed a fund available to WI residents to cover the $100 co-pay required by the State of WI for Vouchers valued at $800 and above.

By working with ABHF to complete your application and process your $800+ voucher, ABHF will cover the cost of the $100 co-pay and will provide assistance in processing all paperwork, choosing the product solutions and delivering these products to you.

Please email the following information to ABHF at tepp@abhf.org for an application and more information on this valuable program available to WI residents:

Name, address, phone number, email

We will send you information, an application and instructions.